I started this blog several weeks ago as a source of inspiration and motivation as I begin my career transition journey. After a little bit of success I have hit a snag. I am struggling to “re-brand” myself and pivot my career experiences to a different career path.

You might say that this should be simple and your right. However, where I am struggling is I am not sure what I am trying to pivot to. Perhaps I can blame my liberal arts education that exposed me to many different ideas, topics, and issues that I feel going in one particular direction will close me off to many other areas. I have found that this hurts when I am networking and people ask me what I am interested in doing? According to many career sites, this should be a fairly easy and straightforward question that can be answered in a couple of sentences. Not in my case, as when I am asked something along those lines I can ramble on for minutes covering a wealth of topics and interests.
Part of me says that this is bad and I need to focus my career interests on something more specific. The other part of me refuses to do this as in doing so I would not be true to my authentic self. I feel that I can leverage my authentic self to help a company or client meet a host of different problems. However, I have not found the way to convey this to others.
I will keep trying and persisting as I know that this journey can be long and full of setbacks. Patience is key.