It was something that I thought about for many months, really ever since I moved over to my new role at my current company. What happens if things don’t work out?
I believe that both my boss and I understood that we were taking on some type of risk with my move to a new department. Maybe, we both thought it could work, or maybe we both were just kidding ourselves. For me, it was always going to come down to who would blink first.
Well, they blinked.

I was informed this week that my position would be restructured and that my last day would be at the end of this year. Was this a surprise? A little, but not entirely. I won’t say that I performed poorly. However, my heart was not in it and I was stuck doing work that I did not enjoy and even worse did not feel that was much much value to my company. I felt a lot of it was busywork that was part of old processes that were so ingrained that they would be difficult to change, if not impossible.
Now, I have some type of freedom. It was a freedom that was forced on me but I am now free again to pursue something that better suits my skills, experience, and perhaps more importantly, my interests.
For those of you who are looking for jobs – stay strong, stay patient, and let’s do this!